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Educators Always Know Best

Dicoret oleh; Nurain Shukree at 4:20 pm
by Matthew K. Tabor on May 7, 2008

I saw a t-shirt a few years back on the 3-for-$5 rack in a Georgia store. It said:

“It’s a Southern thang, y’all wouldn’t understand.”

Kicking myself for not getting it.

I wonder if I could make one of my own that said:

“It’s an educator thang, y’all wouldn’t understand.”

Maybe public schools could give it out at budget votes. Who do these ignorant parents and community members think they are, anyway?!?

A hearty thanks goes out to those teachers, administrators and board members – and those who weren’t voted in – who understand that the public has dignity and, usually, something important to offer.

Those other teachers, admins and board members who routinely show contempt for the public? Well, for now, we’ll have to take it from Weapons of Math Destruction and have a laugh at their expense as we work toward better days.

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